Swedish Twixtor Prodigy
Have you seen this video? It’s beautiful, and not easy to do. The slow motion effects were done in After Effects with a plugin called Twixtor. Twixtor is powerful but temperamental, and I’ve never been able to execute such gorgeous slow motion as this. I set out to find the artist and interview him. I’d like to pretend like I’m some great detective, but it actually wasn’t that hard. Took me about 15 minutes. We spoke over gchat today and he’s this brilliant 18 year old graphics nerd from Sweden. His name is Rickard Bengtsson and you can see more of his work on his Vimeo page.
If you want to hear what he had to say, I’ll be talking at the Creatasphere Technology Expo at the Universal Hilton tomorrow, March 3, from 1-3. Attendance is free. Here’s the blurb I wrote about my talk, entitled The Post-Human Shooter:
Everyone will tell you that it’s not about the technology and it’s all about the story. Cool, now that we’ve covered that, let’s talk about that one shoot where there’s no money for a dolly, a Phantom camera, or a 1st AC, but you want the effects of all three. On that job the technology is the story, and it goes way beyond knowing what buttons to press. On those jobs you become intimate with the camera and software is your assistant, complete with a personality, quirks, strengths, and dislikes. I’ve had a bunch of successes and one humiliating failure using technology to shoot beyond my budget level. I’ll tell those stories, talk about what worked, and share the test footage.
Check out some of the other speakers here.
In a couple days I’ll post my interview with Rickard, filmed off my laptop screen. Elegance!
Are you or someone else taping this? Would love to see the presentation even tho I can’t be in Universal City today. -Dancin’
Me too. Please post the talk somehow. I’d love to hear these stories back here in New York.