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Posts by Blieden

Love In The Last Five Days

Posted by Blieden on April 29, 2018 in Shorts/Web | Short Link
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In late 2016 I was burned out on the kinds of directing jobs I was getting, so I took a year off from directing for pay. I continued to work but only on projects where I could work for free. In that year I made a proof of concept with UCB Los Angeles, shot the […]

Short doc I directed for Sarah Silverman

I was crying while we shot this so don’t hold back.

So sweet. Review on Huffpo.

Yay for this sweet review we got on Huffington Post. “This 70 minute film is too good to spoil, so I will stop here and add that it’s also too hilarious and poignant to miss.” – Shira Hirschman Weiss.

Short Film – Objects

Climate Change Tourist

This is just a fun video I made about my friends and our trip to Paris, but I thought it would be worth explaining how that trip came to be. Back in October of 2015 I was feeling paralyzed with anxiety about climate change. I started putting more time aside every day to talk about environmental issues with friends […]

Standing Up For Solar Energy

For the past year and a half I’ve been looking for arguments in the comments section of climate change articles on the internet. I know that it’s a sewer, and people tell me all the time that it’s not worth it. But I find it therapeutic and to be quite honest, I have so much […]

Commercial Movi Shot

This was the first time I got to actually use a movi on a commercial. We shot this in Mexico City last summer, and I operated the shot. Below is a record of how excited I was on the day.

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